Bullet Booking Artist Calendar

Bullet Booking Artist Calendar

September 14, 2022

Working along the music industry has always been one of my favourite cross overs between my hobbies and my work. No matter if we're talking about designing and setting up Myspace pages in Photoshop and in-line CSS (yeah, people did that!), developing cover artwork or something completely different, this is really the stuff that tickles my pickle.

So when Anders from Bullet Booking was mentioning them needing and looking for a new tour calendar/show calendar system, I was in!

Most of their røster, like soo many other artists, used the now sunset service Giggum and since it's shut down, a lot of artists was looking for a solution.

Bullet Booking, who was already looking into making a new website for themselves, figured such service, could be managed by them, rather than the artists. I agreed! The liks were for the artists to share on their social media platforms, but the content/data managed by Bullet.


The setup, as usual, is kept simple, with the ease of use of the end user (in this case the Bullet Booking artists team) in mind. We pretty much cloned the gig.to calendar, because it had everything that such a page needed, just as it would secure an easy structure, that could work for all the artists. So the data is managed in an Airtable backend, with a complete list of entries of Danish/Nordic venues, and such, just to ensure more robust data, for each gig and tour.


The design - like mentioned - is nothing more than what it needs to be. The artist have an artist photo, which is blurred as and re-used as the page background, making each calendar sorta unique, where the red colors on the page, is the red that Bullet Booking has been using on their web-pressence, so there was a common theme among the different looking pages.

We could easily have made additional features for the calendars, but it really have been developed and designed with the ease of continous maintanence by anybody in mind. The fact there is one image per per page, and the rest is text-based is what makes it something everybody can maintain, even from the easy a phone, should it be needed.

Here are a few

Marvelous Mosell

Marvelous Mosell på BBTix

Malk De Koijn

Malken 🥋

De høje hæle

Fynske giganter fra De Høje Hæle